In a private lesson Glen determines what areas of frame drumming you want to explore. Material that is adjusted to your level of expertise and interest is presented in a systematic process, drawing upon Glens many years of teaching experience. You will receive a video and written record of all material covered. An In-Person, Zoom or Facetime lesson can be scheduled at your convenience.
Here is what a prominent student and professor of percussion says about the value of these online lessons:
“As a university level instructor of world percussion and online music studies with over 300 online students, it’s my job to keep up on what learning methods are out there. Simply put, this is an amazing opportunity to learn traditional techniques, and, methods for using these techniques for ones own creative music making, from the greatest living master and teacher. Glen’s lessons give you the important technical basics to build a strong foundation, traditional and non-traditional integrative exercises, and ways to practice daily to continue improving on your own. And, you get a video and written lesson material to keep and reference forever. I myself, have received Overtone Singing, South Indian technique on Bodhran, Italian Tamburello technique, Spanish Panderoa technique, and a Middle Eastern Riq lesson. I have traveled to India to study with great drummers….Glen, this is extremely generous of you. As you have taught so many to gain this knowledge in person, you are now showing us how modern technology brings age old techniques to each of us in our own homes. Thank You Glen!”
—Dr. Ed Pias,
Instructor of online music classes, drum set, frame drum, and North Indian percussion at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico.