
The frame drum has a well-documented history spanning over 4 thousand years. This documentation is possible because, in the ancient Mediterranean world, the instrument was very popular and was a favorite of visual artists to represent. 

Wall paintings in Egypt, ceramic figurines in Cyprus, vase paintings in Italy and Greece, wall reliefs in Turkey and Mesopotamia all present this continuous history from ancient times to the present. 

Since the frame drum played a vital role in many popular rituals and ceremonies, it is seen widely depicted. Another quality of the frame drum which lends itself to these rituals, is its ease of playing while moving. Dance and movement played an important role in these activities.  

In the ancient world it is the most popular drum by far and often its played by women.

I have been fascinated by these depictions from an early stage in my frame drumming. The inspiration I got from seeing the frame drum played so long ago really had a big impact on my devotion to playing and discovering the powerful ecstatic and healing energy of frame drumming.

 It gives me great pleasure to share these pictures showing 4000 years of the frame drum.

Iraq, 1700 bce — relief on stone

Kneeling male frame drummer with harp player, holds frame drum with right hand under the instrument while left hand strikes drum halfway between edge and center of head. fr. dr. has no jingles. The combination of harp and frame drum is often seen in the ancient world. In the modern world I often greatly enjoy playing with guitar, harp and other stringed instruments.

Italy 300 bce Dionysian ceremony

2 females hold large frame drums, one drummer holds the drum in one hand while holding a staff in the other hand., the 2nd drummer holds the frame drum with the left hand under the frame while the right hand strikes the drum near the outer edge. Both drummers are moving around the seated Dionysos. Both drums have strings and possibly nails or pellet bells around the edge of the frame. 2 satyrs are dancing nearby.

Greece 450 bce Painting on vase

Female holds the frame drum in the left hand while her right hand fingers touch the head midway between the edge and the center. The drum has no jingles.  A wind instrument is played by a woman while another woman holds a snake in what is certainly a ritual.

Another instrumental combination very popular in the ancient world, wind instrument and frame drum.

I have had many wonderful experiences playing with wind instruments such as flute , clarinet, recorder and harmonica.

Iraq 660 bce  Assyrian rock relief

Male frame drummer, part of a military band. Left hand 4 fingers are touching the head near the edge, while the thumb is seen under the frame.

The right hand 5 fingers strike the head in the center. the drum has no jingles. This detail is part of a large group of military musicians marching in formation.